All About the Webmistress, Andie
Hello, I am Andie. My full name is Andrea Michelle, and I was born in
the boring state of Ohio. Despite all of that, I haven't had a
boring childhood or personality. I am the only "Eyre-Head"(Jane Eyre
Fan) that I know personally, but I am only of many Rentheads(Fans
of Rent), and Les Miserables fans. I spend the
majority of my life at the Davis Discovery Center, a place where kids
and teenagers get to partake in the performing arts and have a
wonderful time making fools of ourselves. Though I am apt to deceive my
teachers, I am not normal. I am the abnormal Honor Student; in other
words, outcast of outcasts. Some how I manage to find tons of friends

A picture of me at Strawberry Fields in Cnetral Park from last spring.
I have a passion for the past. History is by far my favorite subject.
Honors English and Latin coming up tied as close seconds. I love
historical fiction and classic books. My main time period of study
is the Victorian Era, though I am very interested in the Elizabethan
Era and the Ancient World. My favorite books are mostly classics,
including Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and To Kill A
Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I also like fantasy books by Tamora
Pierce, mysteries by Laurie King and the majority of Shakespeare's plays.

Though most children don't get married so young, my next door neighbor
decided that her younger brother and me made the perfect couple.
She of course had to be the perfect priestess. My mother was the
Wedding photographer. Even as a child, I wasn't normal. How many
little kids have such a glamorous wedding?
I love animals almost as much as I love theater. I have three cats
right now named Murphy, Rainbow, and Sunshine. They are the sweetest
kitties that have ever lived. Murphy is a black and white mischievous
critter. Rainbow is the calico beauty of the house. Sunshine is our
resident orange tabby, with motherly affection for the younger two
and a unbelievable appetite.
Here is a picture of Murphy in our Christmas Tree.
My Mom also likes cats and works with the International Society for
Endangered Cats(ISEC). She is a keeper for one of ISEC's educational
animals: Bunga. Bunga was found, sadly abused, in the home of a drug
pusher. The police did a drug raid and gave Bunga to ISEC while they
pit the pushers in jail. Since then he has lived a happy life with
ISEC. He goes on Educational talks to schools and zoos, and has a
place in many ISEC members' hearts.

This is a picture of me in 3rd Grade during Halloween. I was a
cute little kid, if I do say so myself. :o)
On the topic of cute little children, my cousins are the cutest kids
to ever walk the face of this Earth. Here is a picture of them and me
together from last summer. The one with the goofy gasp is me, the
laughing girl is Emily, and the giggling boy is Ben.Unfortunately, they
live on the other side of the country, so I don't see them as often as
I would like.
That is about all for me right now, if you want you may